Seoul, South Korea

Seoul, South Korea


About Me

Hey! My name's Rita, and I'm a teacher from the United States. 35 years young, 2.5 years in my curly hair journey (much to my fathers chagrin), best friend to my partner in sarcasm (aka husband), daughter and sister to my amazing family, friend to few (introvert here!) and fur-mama to my babies (one passed over the rainbow bridge, one still living).

By no means a perfect person or teacher who lives for her job, I am just another human out in the big-wide-world who is trying to live her best life. I'm beginning to accept help for my anxiety and depression, and learning that it's okay to slow down if it means being healthy. My favorite pastimes include cooking with my love, reading, watching my favorite tv shows, doodling, 

After graduating college and being lost at home for a year, I decided to go overseas for a year to South Korea. "It'll give me work experience" I said, "I'll be back in a year" I said. Ohhhhh boy was I wrong! Four years, four jobs, and two countries later, I had lived through some amazing adventures that I never knew were possible. I decided to wrap up my first experience as an expat and moved back home. Once there, I met my amazing husband and tried my hand at teaching in the United States. While I quickly learned that I did not have a taste for it (the workload, expectations, and stress were beyond anything I'd ever experienced), I loved the ease and simplicity of living in my home country again. 

Fast forward seven years and Covid was finally on the decline enough globally to make moving viable. I'd reached my breaking point-stress wise, and my husband and I decide it was finally time to move forward with plans to go overseas. We landed in Chiang Mai in August 2022, and have been learning how to adapt to our new cultural surroundings, city, and food options ever since. Let's see what life brings! 

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