Seoul, South Korea

Seoul, South Korea


Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Last Night Home

It's my last night at home.  I'm in bed, with my computer, cat and phone by my side like any other normal night.  Only thing that is different about this night is that it will be my last night at home in MY bed for a year.  Everyone keeps asking if I'm nervous, apprehensive, scared, etc.  To be honest, I don't feel any of those things.  It's not that I'm cold, I'm just so focused on what I NEED to do, and it's barely sunk in what I'm ABOUT to do.  I'm about to embark on a huge journey- one filled with wonder, excitement, fear, and adventure.  Where I will be living in a foreign country for a year, learning about numerous other cultures, trying tons of different foods, and exploring at least one foreign country to my heart's content!  The only thing I sort of feel right now is a small blip of excitement when considering this a future thing that I will be doing, not realizing it's something that's about to happen.  My brain is weird I guess, lol.
On a slightly tangential yet related note- how I managed to pack 2 suitcases with only 100 lbs of things in it to last me (mostly) for a year, I'll never know!  If the scales at Publix are correct (let's hope to God they are), my suitcases weigh in at 49 lbs, and 49.5 lbs.  The limit is 50- talk about cutting it close!  I really hope that the flights won't be too bad.  I should be exhausted, but for some reason tonight I'm not.  And the fact that my room is not a disaster area like it was only 6 hours ago is amazing to me.  I'm still going to put away one or two last minute things, but other then that, I think I'm going to paint my toenails (the one girly thing I love to do for myself every 2-3 weeks), watch a little tv, speak with one or two friends, and then go to bed.  I have to wake up at 6, be out the door by 7, and on the plane by 9 so that we can take off by 9:30.  I'll be landing at 4:40 pm KST on the 17th if all goes well (that's 3:40 am EST on the 17thfor everyone back home).  Should be everything from wonderful to horrid all at once.  Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers as I journey across the world, I think my sadness at not seeing my family and friends as regularly as I do will be a huge battle for me to overcome.  I will need all of your support during the next few weeks, so I thank you in advance. 
Love love love,

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